The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
The Nightly Nuge is your chance to get Ted Nugent’s take on the news of our world every night in a concise, fiery fashion that totally Ted. Each Nugecast highlights a hot topic in the news from Ted’s point of view. He’ll rip the fiction from the facts that the mainstream media wants to hide from you and enlighten you with truth, logic and common sense as only he can. The Nightly Nuge is the REAL news behind the fake news, designed for the busy lives of hard working Americans like you. The Nightly Nuge is Ted Nugent as you’ve never seen him before. Every night Ted and his co-host, Keith Mark, discuss and debunk the mainstream media’s version of an important story by using truth, logic and common sense. These concise, fast paced Nugecasts might leave you laughing or crying, but always learning and inspired to be the best that you can be. The Nightly Nuge is a concise, fast paced look at a news story of the day presented by Ted Nugent as only he can. Each weeknight, a fresh new Nugecast explores the truth, logic and common sense behind a news story that Ted rips from the headlines and dissects. The Nightly Nuge is your source for Ted Nugent’s presentation of commentary, facts, and his take on a wide range of topics in the news. Each nightly Nugecast is a concise and fiery perspective on events and happenings that impact you, your family, and your lifestyle.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
S02-E153 - Ted Nugent Went Grocery Shopping And Was Shocked By What He Saw - 230628
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
At nearly 75 years old, Ted Nugent makes every effort to stay in shape. Still, he admits he is not the physical specimen he was when he was younger. So, when he recently went to the grocery store and saw what folks were buying and the horrible shape most were in, he was shocked. Tune in to hear his advice for Americans who want to live a long, happy life.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E153 - Ted Nugent Went Grocery Shopping And Was Shocked By What He Saw - 230628
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Ted Nugent shines his truth, logic and commonsense spotlight on the Louisiana education system which has decided to lower the basic standards so that it can pass students rather than actually teaching them.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E152 - Louisiana Lowers Education Standards So Kids Can Pass Rather Than Learn - 230627
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Uncle Ted spent this week spotlighting troubles in America and today he shares his simple solution. Tune in to learn how you can join him in making our country great again.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E150 - America Has A Lot Of Problems And Ted Nugent Has A Simple Solution - 230624
Friday Jun 23, 2023
S02-E149 - Ted Nugent Shares His Opinion Of Taylor Swift’s Music - 230623
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Uncle Ted talks about the state of music in America today. He lets you know who’s music he loves and which artist he respects but simply doesn’t enjoy their music. He also highlights some new artist making great sounds.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E149 - Ted Nugent Shares His Opinion Of Taylor Swift’s Music - 230623
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
The Motor City Madman opens up with his opinion of the biggest names in politics today. You might be surprised to hear his thoughts on some of these “public servants”. When all is said and done, there in only one man he stands firmly behind.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E148 - Ted Nugent Gives His Opinion Of The Top Names In Politics And You Want To Hear This - 230622
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
S02-E147 - Ted Nugent Went Grocery Shopping And Was Shocked By What He Saw - 230621
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
At nearly 75 years old, Ted Nugent makes every effort to stay in shape. Still, he admits he is not the physical specimen he was when he was younger. So, when he recently went to the grocery store and saw what folks were buying and the horrible shape most were in, he was shocked. Tune in to hear his advice for Americans who want to live a long, happy life.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E147 - Ted Nugent Went Grocery Shopping And Was Shocked By What He Saw - 230621
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Ted Nugent is the first to admit he wasn’t a great student in the classic sense but he had good teachers who taught him the basic so he could educate himself later in life. Today, our teachers graduate kids with some of the lowest levels of basic knowledge ever and Ted knows why.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E146 - The Teachers’ Union Gets Ted’s Truth, Logic & Commonsense Spotlight - 230620
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
Cancel Culture and Donald Trump, Jr. are back in the news courtesy of an unlikely source. Ted reflects on what it was like to be one of the first celebrities to be condemned for his support of the 2nd Amendment and a healthy lifestyle and declares his support of Don Jr..
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
News reports indicated a Mexican drug cartel is smuggling deadly crystal meth into the US via our Southern border. If that wasn’t bad enough, it appears these highly addictive drugs were manufactured in China and India. Ted has a solution to this problem that plagues his home state of Texas and across America.